blob: d18b4c031bfcd4ab0a3197d88927558b9bd5cdc8 [file] [log] [blame]
Contains rmr functionality specific to the xapp
The general rmr API is via "rmr"
# ==================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
# Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==================================================================================
import time
import queue
from threading import Thread
from mdclogpy import Logger
from ricxappframe.rmr import rmr, helpers
mdc_logger = Logger(name=__name__)
class RmrLoop:
Class represents an rmr loop that constantly reads from rmr
Note, we use a queue here, and a thread, rather than the xapp frame just looping and calling consume, so that a possibly slow running consume function does not block the reading of new messages
def __init__(self, port, wait_for_ready=True):
sets up rmr, then launches a thread that reads and injects messages into a queue
port: int
port to listen on
wait_for_ready: bool (optional)
if this is True, then this function hangs until rmr is ready to send, which includes having a valid routing file.
this can be set to False if the client only wants to *receive only*
# Public
# thread safe queue
# We use a thread and a queue so that a long running consume callback function can never block reads.
# IE a consume implementation could take a long time and the ring size for rmr blows up here and messages are lost
self.rcv_queue = queue.Queue()
# rmr context; RMRFL_MTCALL puts RMR into a multithreaded mode, where a thread populates a ring of messages that receive calls read from
self.mrc = rmr.rmr_init(str(port).encode(), rmr.RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES, rmr.RMRFL_MTCALL)
if wait_for_ready:
mdc_logger.debug("Waiting for rmr to init on port {}..".format(port))
while rmr.rmr_ready(self.mrc) == 0:
# Private
self._keep_going = True # used to tell this thread to stop it's work
self._last_ran = time.time() # used for healthcheck
self._loop_is_running = False # used in stop to know when it's safe to kill the mrc
# start the work loop
mdc_logger.debug("Starting loop thread")
def loop():
mdc_logger.debug("Work loop starting")
self._loop_is_running = True
while self._keep_going:
# read our mailbox
# TODO: take a flag as to whether RAW is needed or not
# RAW allows for RTS however the caller must free, and the caller may not need RTS.
# Currently after consuming, callers should do rmr.rmr_free_msg(sbuf)
for (msg, sbuf) in helpers.rmr_rcvall_msgs_raw(self.mrc):
self.rcv_queue.put((msg, sbuf))
self._last_ran = time.time()
self._loop_is_running = False
self._thread = Thread(target=loop)
def stop(self):
sets a flag that will cleanly stop the thread
mdc_logger.debug("Stopping rmr thread. Waiting for last iteration to finish..")
self._keep_going = False
# wait until the current batch of messages is done, then kill the rmr connection
# note; I debated putting this in "loop" however if the while loop was still going setting mrc to close here would blow up any processing still currently happening
# probably more polite to at least finish the current batch and then close. So here we wait until the current batch is done, then we kill the mrc
while self._loop_is_running:
mdc_logger.debug("Closing rmr connection")
def healthcheck(self, seconds=30):
returns a boolean representing whether the rmr loop is healthy, by checking two attributes:
1. is it running?,
2. is it stuck in a long (> seconds) loop?
seconds: int (optional)
the rmr loop is determined healthy if it has completed in the last (seconds)
return self._thread.is_alive() and ((time.time() - self._last_ran) < seconds)