blob: e8e787d9a00936e0928668ed1ae50527eef21874 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
* Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Nokia.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Standard Includes: ANSI C/C++, MSA, and Third-Party Libraries
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
// Local Includes: Application specific classes, functions, and libraries
namespace asn {
using bound_t = int64_t;
enum class constraint_type : uint8_t
template <bound_t LB, bound_t UB>
struct span
static_assert(UB >= LB, "UPPER >= LOWER");
static constexpr bound_t lower_bound = LB;
static constexpr bound_t upper_bound = UB;
template <typename T>
struct pair
T const lower_bound;
T const upper_bound;
template <bound_t VALUE>
struct one : span<VALUE, VALUE> {};
struct max : one<std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::max()> {};
struct min : one<std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::min()> {};
static constexpr bound_t MAX = std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::max();
static constexpr bound_t MIN = std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::min();
template <bool Extended, class... RANGE>
struct constraints
static constexpr bool extended = Extended;
static constexpr bound_t lower_bound = std::min({RANGE::lower_bound...});
static constexpr bound_t upper_bound = std::max({RANGE::upper_bound...});
static constexpr constraint_type type =
(Extended && lower_bound > min::lower_bound && upper_bound < max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::CONSTRAINED_EXTENDED :
(!Extended && lower_bound > min::lower_bound && upper_bound < max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::CONSTRAINED :
(Extended && lower_bound > min::lower_bound && upper_bound == max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::SEMICONSTRAINED_EXTENDED :
(!Extended && lower_bound == min::lower_bound && upper_bound < max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::SEMICONSTRAINED :
(Extended && lower_bound == min::lower_bound && upper_bound < max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::SEMICONSTRAINED_EXTENDED :
(!Extended && lower_bound > min::lower_bound && upper_bound == max::upper_bound) ? constraint_type::SEMICONSTRAINED : constraint_type::UNCONSTRAINED;
static constexpr bool is_signed = lower_bound < 0;
static constexpr bound_t num_spans = static_cast<bound_t>(sizeof...(RANGE));
static constexpr pair<bound_t> bounds[] = {{RANGE::lower_bound, RANGE::upper_bound}...};
using boundary_type = bound_t;
static constexpr bool is_extended(bound_t val)
for (bound_t i = 0; i < num_spans; ++i)
auto const& p = bounds[i];
if (val <= p.upper_bound)
if(val < p.lower_bound)
return true;
return false;
return true;
template <bool Extended, class... RANGE>
constexpr pair<bound_t> constraints<Extended, RANGE...>::bounds[];
template <bool Extended>
struct constraints<Extended>
static constexpr bool extended = Extended;
static constexpr constraint_type type = constraint_type::UNCONSTRAINED;
static constexpr bound_t lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::min();
static constexpr bound_t upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<bound_t>::max();
static constexpr bool is_extended(bound_t val) {return true;}
* RANGE for sequences
template<int TotalNumEntries, int NumExtEntries, bool Extended>
struct seq_range
static_assert(Extended || TotalNumEntries > 0, "TotalNumEntries must be > 0");
static_assert(NumExtEntries <= TotalNumEntries, "NumExtEntries must be <= TotalNumEntries");
static constexpr constraint_type type = Extended ? constraint_type::CONSTRAINED_EXTENDED : constraint_type::CONSTRAINED;
static constexpr bool extended = Extended;
static constexpr bound_t lower_bound = 0;
static constexpr bound_t upper_bound = TotalNumEntries - NumExtEntries - 1;
static constexpr bound_t default_value = lower_bound;
static constexpr bound_t total_num_entries = TotalNumEntries;
using boundary_type = bound_t;
using value_type = uint32_t;
} // namespace asn