| [tox] |
| minversion = 2.0 |
| envlist = code,flake8,docs,docs-linkcheck |
| skipsdist = true |
| |
| [testenv:docs] |
| basepython = python3 |
| deps = |
| sphinx |
| sphinx-rtd-theme |
| sphinxcontrib-httpdomain |
| recommonmark |
| lfdocs-conf |
| |
| commands = |
| sphinx-build -W -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html |
| echo "Generated docs available in {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html" |
| whitelist_externals = echo |
| |
| [testenv:docs-linkcheck] |
| basepython = python3 |
| deps = sphinx |
| sphinx-rtd-theme |
| sphinxcontrib-httpdomain |
| recommonmark |
| lfdocs-conf |
| commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck |
| |
| [testenv:clm] |
| # use pip to report dependencies with versions |
| whitelist_externals = sh |
| commands = sh -c 'pip freeze > requirements.txt' |
| |
| [testenv:code] |
| basepython = python3 |
| deps= |
| pytest |
| coverage |
| pytest-cov |
| requests |
| jsonschema |
| kafka-python |
| gevent |
| PyYAML |
| pytest-mock |
| flask |
| confluent-kafka |
| future |
| mock |
| requests_mock |
| # Add any environment variables to run this code coverage test |
| # setenv = |
| # Note, before this will work, for the first time on that machine, |
| # run ./install_deps.sh |
| # sometimes the -s flag is helpful; add -s after pytest; |
| # which streams the logs as they come in, rather than saving them |
| # all for the end of tests |
| commands = |
| pytest --ignore=functionaltest --ignore=collector --cov {toxinidir} --cov-report xml --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html --cov-fail-under=70 --junitxml={toxinidir}/tmp/tests.xml |