blob: 3715ec44529ff2dc501c728f534233b4495e006e [file] [log] [blame]
/* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000 Simon Kelley
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "dnsmasq.h"
static int extract_name(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen, unsigned char **pp,
unsigned char *name, int isExtract)
unsigned char *cp = name, *p = *pp, *p1 = NULL;
unsigned int j, l, hops = 0;
int retvalue = 1;
while ((l = *p++))
unsigned int label_type = l & 0xc0;
if (label_type == 0xc0) /* pointer */
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
/* get offset */
l = (l&0x3f) << 8;
l |= *p++;
if (l >= (unsigned int)plen)
return 0;
if (!p1) /* first jump, save location to go back to */
p1 = p;
hops++; /* break malicious infinite loops */
if (hops > 255)
return 0;
p = l + (unsigned char *)header;
else if (label_type == 0x80)
return 0; /* reserved */
else if (label_type == 0x40)
{ /* ELT */
unsigned int count, digs;
if ((l & 0x3f) != 1)
return 0; /* we only understand bitstrings */
if (!isExtract)
return 0; /* Cannot compare bitsrings */
count = *p++;
if (count == 0)
count = 256;
digs = ((count-1)>>2)+1;
/* output is \[x<hex>/siz]. which is digs+9 chars */
if (cp - name + digs + 9 >= MAXDNAME)
return 0;
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + ((count-1)>>3) + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
*cp++ = '\\';
*cp++ = '[';
*cp++ = 'x';
for (j=0; j<digs; j++)
unsigned int dig;
if (j%2 == 0)
dig = *p >> 4;
dig = *p++ & 0x0f;
*cp++ = dig < 10 ? dig + '0' : dig + 'A' - 10;
cp += sprintf(cp, "/%d]", count);
/* do this here to overwrite the zero char from sprintf */
*cp++ = '.';
{ /* label_type = 0 -> label. */
if (cp - name + l + 1 >= MAXDNAME)
return 0;
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
for(j=0; j<l; j++, p++)
if (isExtract)
if (legal_char(*p))
*cp++ = *p;
return 0;
unsigned char c1 = *cp, c2 = *p;
if (c1 == 0)
retvalue = 2;
if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
c1 += 'a' - 'A';
if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z')
c2 += 'a' - 'A';
if (c1 != c2)
retvalue = 2;
if (isExtract)
*cp++ = '.';
if (*cp != 0 && *cp++ != '.')
retvalue = 2;
if ((unsigned int)(p - (unsigned char *)header) >= plen)
return 0;
if (isExtract)
*--cp = 0; /* terminate: lose final period */
if (p1) /* we jumped via compression */
*pp = p1;
*pp = p;
return retvalue;
/* Max size of input string (for IPv6) is 75 chars.) */
#define MAXARPANAME 75
static int in_arpa_name_2_addr(char *namein, struct all_addr *addrp)
int j;
char name[MAXARPANAME+1], *cp1;
unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *)addrp;
char *lastchunk = NULL, *penchunk = NULL;
if (strlen(namein) > MAXARPANAME)
return 0;
memset(addrp, 0, sizeof(struct all_addr));
/* turn name into a series of asciiz strings */
/* j counts no of labels */
for(j = 1,cp1 = name; *namein; cp1++, namein++)
if (*namein == '.')
penchunk = lastchunk;
lastchunk = cp1 + 1;
*cp1 = 0;
*cp1 = *namein;
*cp1 = 0;
if (j<3)
return 0;
if (hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "arpa") && hostname_isequal(penchunk, "in-addr"))
/* IP v4 */
/* address arives as a name of the form
some of the low order address octets might be missing
and should be set to zero. */
for (cp1 = name; cp1 != penchunk; cp1 += strlen(cp1)+1)
/* check for digits only (weeds out things like
50.0/ which are used
as CNAME targets according to RFC 2317 */
char *cp;
for (cp = cp1; *cp; cp++)
if (!isdigit((int)*cp))
return 0;
addr[3] = addr[2];
addr[2] = addr[1];
addr[1] = addr[0];
addr[0] = atoi(cp1);
return F_IPV4;
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (hostname_isequal(penchunk, "ip6") &&
(hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "int") || hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "arpa")))
/* IP v6:
Address arrives as[int|arpa]
or \[xfedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210/128].ip6.[int|arpa]
Note that most of these the various reprentations are obsolete and
left-over from the many DNS-for-IPv6 wars. We support all the formats
that we can since there is no reason not to.
if (*name == '\\' && *(name+1) == '[' &&
(*(name+2) == 'x' || *(name+2) == 'X'))
for (j = 0, cp1 = name+3; *cp1 && isxdigit(*cp1) && j < 32; cp1++, j++)
char xdig[2];
xdig[0] = *cp1;
xdig[1] = 0;
if (j%2)
addr[j/2] |= strtol(xdig, NULL, 16);
addr[j/2] = strtol(xdig, NULL, 16) << 4;
if (*cp1 == '/' && j == 32)
return F_IPV6;
for (cp1 = name; cp1 != penchunk; cp1 += strlen(cp1)+1)
if (*(cp1+1) || !isxdigit((int)*cp1))
return 0;
for (j = sizeof(struct all_addr)-1; j>0; j--)
addr[j] = (addr[j] >> 4) | (addr[j-1] << 4);
addr[0] = (addr[0] >> 4) | (strtol(cp1, NULL, 16) << 4);
return F_IPV6;
return 0;
static unsigned char *skip_name(unsigned char *ansp, HEADER *header, unsigned int plen)
unsigned int label_type = (*ansp) & 0xc0;
if ((unsigned int)(ansp - (unsigned char *)header) >= plen)
return NULL;
if (label_type == 0xc0)
/* pointer for compression. */
ansp += 2;
else if (label_type == 0x80)
return NULL; /* reserved */
else if (label_type == 0x40)
/* Extended label type */
unsigned int count;
if (((*ansp++) & 0x3f) != 1)
return NULL; /* we only understand bitstrings */
count = *(ansp++); /* Bits in bitstring */
if (count == 0) /* count == 0 means 256 bits */
ansp += 32;
ansp += ((count-1)>>3)+1;
{ /* label type == 0 Bottom six bits is length */
unsigned int len = (*ansp++) & 0x3f;
if (len == 0)
break; /* zero length label marks the end. */
ansp += len;
return ansp;
static unsigned char *skip_questions(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen)
int q, qdcount = ntohs(header->qdcount);
unsigned char *ansp = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
for (q = 0; q<qdcount; q++)
if (!(ansp = skip_name(ansp, header, plen)))
return NULL;
ansp += 4; /* class and type */
if ((unsigned int)(ansp - (unsigned char *)header) > plen)
return NULL;
return ansp;
static unsigned char *skip_section(unsigned char *ansp, int count, HEADER *header, unsigned int plen)
int i, rdlen;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (!(ansp = skip_name(ansp, header, plen)))
return NULL;
ansp += 8; /* type, class, TTL */
GETSHORT(rdlen, ansp);
if ((unsigned int)(ansp + rdlen - (unsigned char *)header) > plen)
return NULL;
ansp += rdlen;
return ansp;
/* CRC all the bytes of the question section. This is used to
safely detect query retransmision. */
unsigned int questions_crc(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen)
unsigned char *start, *end = skip_questions(header, plen);
unsigned int crc = 0xffffffff;
if (end)
for (start = (unsigned char *)(header+1); start < end; start++)
int i = 8;
crc ^= *start << 24;
while (i--)
crc = crc & 0x80000000 ? (crc << 1) ^ 0x04c11db7 : crc << 1;
return crc;
int resize_packet(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen, unsigned char *pheader, unsigned int hlen)
unsigned char *ansp = skip_questions(header, plen);
if (!ansp)
return 0;
if (!(ansp = skip_section(ansp, ntohs(header->ancount) + ntohs(header->nscount) + ntohs(header->arcount),
header, plen)))
return 0;
/* restore pseudoheader */
if (pheader && ntohs(header->arcount) == 0)
/* must use memmove, may overlap */
memmove(ansp, pheader, hlen);
header->arcount = htons(1);
ansp += hlen;
return ansp - (unsigned char *)header;
unsigned char *find_pseudoheader(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen, unsigned int *len, unsigned char **p)
/* See if packet has an RFC2671 pseudoheader, and if so return a pointer to it.
also return length of pseudoheader in *len and pointer to the UDP size in *p */
int i, arcount = ntohs(header->arcount);
unsigned char *ansp;
unsigned short rdlen, type;
if (arcount == 0 || !(ansp = skip_questions(header, plen)))
return NULL;
if (!(ansp = skip_section(ansp, ntohs(header->ancount) + ntohs(header->nscount), header, plen)))
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < arcount; i++)
unsigned char *save, *start = ansp;
if (!(ansp = skip_name(ansp, header, plen)))
return NULL;
GETSHORT(type, ansp);
save = ansp;
ansp += 6; /* class, TTL */
GETSHORT(rdlen, ansp);
if ((unsigned int)(ansp + rdlen - (unsigned char *)header) > plen)
return NULL;
ansp += rdlen;
if (type == T_OPT)
if (len)
*len = ansp - start;
if (p)
*p = save;
return start;
return NULL;
/* is addr in the non-globally-routed IP space? */
static int private_net(struct all_addr *addrp)
struct in_addr addr = *(struct in_addr *)addrp;
if (inet_netof(addr) == 0xA ||
(inet_netof(addr) >= 0xAC10 && inet_netof(addr) < 0xAC20) ||
(inet_netof(addr) >> 8) == 0xC0A8)
return 1;
return 0;
static unsigned char *add_text_record(HEADER *header, unsigned int nameoffset, unsigned char *p,
unsigned long ttl, unsigned short pref,
unsigned short type, char *name, int *offset)
unsigned char *sav, *cp;
int j;
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, p);
PUTSHORT(type, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
sav = p;
PUTSHORT(0, p); /* dummy RDLENGTH */
if (pref)
PUTSHORT(pref, p);
while (*name)
cp = p++;
for (j=0; *name && (*name != '.'); name++, j++)
*p++ = *name;
*cp = j;
if (*name)
*p++ = 0;
j = p - sav - 2;
PUTSHORT(j, sav); /* Real RDLENGTH */
if (offset)
*offset = sav - (unsigned char *)header;
return p;
static void dns_doctor(HEADER *header, struct doctor *doctor, struct in_addr *addr)
for (; doctor; doctor = doctor->next)
if (is_same_net(doctor->in, *addr, doctor->mask))
addr->s_addr &= ~doctor->mask.s_addr;
addr->s_addr |= (doctor->out.s_addr & doctor->mask.s_addr);
/* Since we munged the data, the server it came from is no longer authoritative */
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
header->aa = 0;
static int find_soa(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen)
unsigned char *p;
int qtype, qclass, rdlen;
unsigned long ttl, minttl = ULONG_MAX;
int i, found_soa = 0;
/* first move to NS section and find TTL from any SOA section */
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, qlen)) ||
!(p = skip_section(p, ntohs(header->ancount), header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->nscount); i++)
if (!(p = skip_name(p, header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(ttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
if ((qclass == C_IN) && (qtype == T_SOA))
found_soa = 1;
if (ttl < minttl)
minttl = ttl;
/* MNAME */
if (!(p = skip_name(p, header, qlen)))
return 0;
/* RNAME */
if (!(p = skip_name(p, header, qlen)))
return 0;
GETLONG(ttl, p); /* minTTL */
if (ttl < minttl)
minttl = ttl;
p += rdlen;
if ((unsigned int)(p - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return 0; /* bad packet */
return found_soa ? minttl : 0;
/* Note that the following code can create CNAME chains that don't point to a real record,
either because of lack of memory, or lack of SOA records. These are treated by the cache code as
expired and cleaned out that way. */
void extract_addresses(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen, char *name, time_t now, struct daemon *daemon)
unsigned char *p, *p1, *endrr;
int i, j, qtype, qclass, aqtype, aqclass, ardlen, res, searched_soa = 0;
/* go through the questions. */
p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
for (i = 0; i<ntohs(header->qdcount); i++)
int found = 0, cname_count = 5;
struct crec *cpp = NULL;
int flags = header->rcode == NXDOMAIN ? F_NXDOMAIN : 0;
unsigned long cttl = ULONG_MAX, attl, ttl = 0;
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
if (qclass != C_IN)
/* PTRs: we chase CNAMEs here, since we have no way to
represent them in the cache. */
if (qtype == T_PTR)
struct all_addr addr;
int name_encoding = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr);
if (!name_encoding)
if (!(flags & F_NXDOMAIN))
if (!(p1 = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
for (j = 0; j<ntohs(header->ancount); j++)
if (!(res = extract_name(header, qlen, &p1, name, 0)))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(aqtype, p1);
GETSHORT(aqclass, p1);
GETLONG(attl, p1);
GETSHORT(ardlen, p1);
endrr = p1+ardlen;
/* TTL of record is minimum of CNAMES and PTR */
if (attl < cttl)
cttl = attl;
if (aqclass == C_IN && res != 2 && (aqtype == T_CNAME || aqtype == T_PTR))
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p1, name, 1))
if (aqtype == T_CNAME)
if (!cname_count--)
return; /* looped CNAMES */
goto cname_loop;
cache_insert(name, &addr, now, cttl, name_encoding | F_REVERSE);
found = 1;
p1 = endrr;
if ((unsigned int)(p1 - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return; /* bad packet */
if (!found && !(daemon->options & OPT_NO_NEG))
if (!searched_soa)
searched_soa = 1;
ttl = find_soa(header, qlen);
if (ttl)
cache_insert(name, &addr, now, ttl, name_encoding | F_REVERSE | F_NEG | flags);
/* everything other than PTR */
struct crec *newc;
if (qtype == T_A)
flags |= F_IPV4;
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (qtype == T_AAAA)
flags |= F_IPV6;
if (!(flags & F_NXDOMAIN))
if (!(p1 = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
for (j = 0; j<ntohs(header->ancount); j++)
if (!(res = extract_name(header, qlen, &p1, name, 0)))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(aqtype, p1);
GETSHORT(aqclass, p1);
GETLONG(attl, p1);
GETSHORT(ardlen, p1);
endrr = p1+ardlen;
if (aqclass == C_IN && res != 2 && (aqtype == T_CNAME || aqtype == qtype))
if (aqtype == T_CNAME)
if (!cname_count--)
return; /* looped CNAMES */
newc = cache_insert(name, NULL, now, attl, F_CNAME | F_FORWARD);
if (newc && cpp)
cpp->addr.cname.cache = newc;
cpp->addr.cname.uid = newc->uid;
cpp = newc;
if (attl < cttl)
cttl = attl;
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p1, name, 1))
goto cname_loop1;
found = 1;
if (aqtype == T_A)
dns_doctor(header, daemon->doctors, (struct in_addr *)p1);
newc = cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p1, now, attl, flags | F_FORWARD);
if (newc && cpp)
cpp->addr.cname.cache = newc;
cpp->addr.cname.uid = newc->uid;
cpp = NULL;
p1 = endrr;
if ((unsigned int)(p1 - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return; /* bad packet */
if (!found && !(daemon->options & OPT_NO_NEG))
if (!searched_soa)
searched_soa = 1;
ttl = find_soa(header, qlen);
/* If there's no SOA to get the TTL from, but there is a CNAME
pointing at this, inherit it's TTL */
if (ttl || cpp)
newc = cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p, now, ttl ? ttl : cttl, F_FORWARD | F_NEG | flags);
if (newc && cpp)
cpp->addr.cname.cache = newc;
cpp->addr.cname.uid = newc->uid;
/* If the packet holds exactly one query
return 1 and leave the name from the query in name. */
unsigned short extract_request(HEADER *header,unsigned int qlen, char *name, unsigned short *typep)
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
int qtype, qclass;
if (typep)
*typep = 0;
if (ntohs(header->qdcount) != 1 || header->opcode != QUERY)
return 0; /* must be exactly one query. */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
if (qclass == C_IN)
if (typep)
*typep = qtype;
if (qtype == T_A)
return F_IPV4;
if (qtype == T_AAAA)
return F_IPV6;
if (qtype == T_ANY)
return F_IPV4 | F_IPV6;
return F_QUERY;
int setup_reply(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen,
struct all_addr *addrp, unsigned short flags, unsigned long ttl)
unsigned char *p = skip_questions(header, qlen);
header->qr = 1; /* response */
header->aa = 0; /* authoritive */
header->ra = 1; /* recursion if available */
header->tc = 0; /* not truncated */
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
header->ancount = htons(0); /* no answers unless changed below */
if (flags == F_NEG)
header->rcode = SERVFAIL; /* couldn't get memory */
else if (flags == F_NOERR || flags == F_QUERY)
header->rcode = NOERROR; /* empty domain */
else if (flags == F_NXDOMAIN)
header->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
else if (p && flags == F_IPV4)
{ /* we know the address */
header->rcode = NOERROR;
header->ancount = htons(1);
header->aa = 1;
PUTSHORT (sizeof(HEADER) | 0xc000, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
memcpy(p, addrp, INADDRSZ);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (p && flags == F_IPV6)
header->rcode = NOERROR;
header->ancount = htons(1);
header->aa = 1;
PUTSHORT (sizeof(HEADER) | 0xc000, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
memcpy(p, addrp, IN6ADDRSZ);
else /* nowhere to forward to */
header->rcode = REFUSED;
return p - (unsigned char *)header;
/* check if name matches local names ie from /etc/hosts or DHCP or local mx names. */
int check_for_local_domain(char *name, time_t now, struct mx_record *mx)
struct crec *crecp;
if ((crecp = cache_find_by_name(NULL, name, now, F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)) &&
(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
return 1;
for (; mx; mx = mx->next)
if (hostname_isequal(name, mx->mxname))
return 1;
return 0;
/* Is the packet a reply with the answer address equal to addr?
If so mung is into an NXDOMAIN reply and also put that information
in the cache. */
int check_for_bogus_wildcard(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen, char *name,
struct bogus_addr *baddr, time_t now)
unsigned char *p;
int i, qtype, qclass, rdlen;
unsigned long ttl;
struct bogus_addr *baddrp;
/* skip over questions */
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->ancount); i++)
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(ttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
if (qclass == C_IN && qtype == T_A)
for (baddrp = baddr; baddrp; baddrp = baddrp->next)
if (memcmp(&baddrp->addr, p, INADDRSZ) == 0)
/* Found a bogus address. Insert that info here, since there no SOA record
to get the ttl from in the normal processing */
cache_insert(name, NULL, now, ttl, F_IPV4 | F_FORWARD | F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN | F_CONFIG);
return 1;
p += rdlen;
return 0;
/* return zero if we can't answer from cache, or packet size if we can */
int answer_request(HEADER *header, char *limit, unsigned int qlen, struct daemon *daemon, time_t now)
char *name = daemon->namebuff;
unsigned char *p, *ansp, *pheader;
int qtype, qclass, is_arpa;
struct all_addr addr;
unsigned int nameoffset;
unsigned short flag;
int qdcount = ntohs(header->qdcount);
int q, ans, anscount;
int dryrun = 0, sec_reqd = 0;
struct crec *crecp;
int nxdomain, auth;
if (!qdcount || header->opcode != QUERY )
return 0;
/* If there is an RFC2671 pseudoheader then it will be overwritten by
partial replies, so we have to do a dry run to see if we can answer
the query. We check to see if the do bit is set, if so we always
forward rather than answering from the cache, which doesn't include
security information. */
if (find_pseudoheader(header, qlen, NULL, &pheader))
unsigned short udpsz, ext_rcode, flags;
unsigned char *psave = pheader;
GETSHORT(udpsz, pheader);
GETSHORT(ext_rcode, pheader);
GETSHORT(flags, pheader);
sec_reqd = flags & 0x8000; /* do bit */
/* If our client is advertising a larger UDP packet size
than we allow, trim it so that we don't get an overlarge
response from upstream */
if (udpsz > daemon->edns_pktsz)
PUTSHORT(daemon->edns_pktsz, psave);
dryrun = 1;
/* determine end of question section (we put answers there) */
if (!(ansp = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
/* now process each question, answers go in RRs after the question */
p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
nxdomain = 0, auth = 1, anscount = 0;
for (q=0; q<qdcount; q++)
/* save pointer to name for copying into answers */
nameoffset = p - (unsigned char *)header;
/* now extract name as .-concatenated string into name */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
/* see if it's format */
is_arpa = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr);
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
ans = 0; /* have we answered this question */
if (qclass == C_CHAOS && qtype == T_TXT)
/* special query to get version. */
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
int len;
if (hostname_isequal(name, "version.bind"))
sprintf(name, "dnsmasq-%s", VERSION);
else if (hostname_isequal(name, "authors.bind"))
sprintf(name, "Simon Kelley");
else if (hostname_isequal(name, "copyright.bind"))
sprintf(name, COPYRIGHT);
*name = 0;
len = strlen(name);
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, ansp);
PUTLONG(0, ansp);
PUTSHORT(len+1, ansp);
*ansp++ = len;
memcpy(ansp, name, len);
ansp += len;
else if (qclass == C_IN)
if ((daemon->options & OPT_FILTER) &&
(qtype == T_SOA || qtype == T_SRV || (qtype == T_ANY && strchr(name, '_'))))
ans = 1;
log_query(F_CONFIG | F_NEG, name, &addr, 0, NULL, 0);
if (qtype == T_PTR || qtype == T_ANY)
if (!(crecp = cache_find_by_addr(NULL, &addr, now, is_arpa)))
if (is_arpa == F_IPV4 && (daemon->options & OPT_BOGUSPRIV) && private_net(&addr))
/* if not in cache, enabled and private IPV4 address, return NXDOMAIN */
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
log_query(F_CONFIG | F_REVERSE | F_IPV4 | F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN, name, &addr, 0, NULL, 0);
nxdomain = 1;
else do
/* don't answer wildcard queries with data not from /etc/hosts or dhcp leases */
if (qtype == T_ANY && !(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
if (crecp->flags & F_NEG)
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_FORWARD, name, &addr, 0, NULL, 0);
auth = 0;
if (crecp->flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
nxdomain = 1;
else if ((crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)) || !sec_reqd)
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
unsigned long ttl;
/* Return 0 ttl for DHCP entries, which might change
before the lease expires. */
if (crecp->flags & (F_IMMORTAL | F_DHCP))
ttl = daemon->local_ttl;
ttl = crecp->ttd - now;
if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
auth = 0;
ansp = add_text_record(header, nameoffset, ansp, ttl, 0, T_PTR,
cache_get_name(crecp), NULL);
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_FORWARD, cache_get_name(crecp), &addr,
0, daemon->addn_hosts, crecp->uid);
/* if last answer exceeded packet size, give up */
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
} while ((crecp = cache_find_by_addr(crecp, &addr, now, is_arpa)));
for (flag = F_IPV4; flag; flag = (flag == F_IPV4) ? F_IPV6 : 0)
unsigned short type = T_A;
int addrsz = INADDRSZ;
if (flag == F_IPV6)
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
type = T_AAAA;
addrsz = IN6ADDRSZ;
if (qtype != type && qtype != T_ANY)
crecp = NULL;
while ((crecp = cache_find_by_name(crecp, name, now, flag | F_CNAME)))
/* don't answer wildcard queries with data not from /etc/hosts
or DHCP leases */
if (qtype == T_ANY && !(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
if (crecp->flags & F_CNAME)
if (!dryrun)
ansp = add_text_record(header, nameoffset, ansp, crecp->ttd - now, 0, T_CNAME,
cache_get_name(crecp->addr.cname.cache), &nameoffset);
log_query(crecp->flags, name, NULL, 0, daemon->addn_hosts, crecp->uid);
strcpy(name, cache_get_name(crecp->addr.cname.cache));
goto cname_restart;
if (crecp->flags & F_NEG)
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
log_query(crecp->flags, name, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
auth = 0;
if (crecp->flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
nxdomain = 1;
else if ((crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)) || !sec_reqd)
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
unsigned long ttl;
if (crecp->flags & (F_IMMORTAL | F_DHCP))
ttl = daemon->local_ttl;
ttl = crecp->ttd - now;
if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
auth = 0;
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_REVERSE, name, &crecp->addr.addr,
0, daemon->addn_hosts, crecp->uid);
/* copy question as first part of answer (use compression) */
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, ansp);
PUTSHORT(type, ansp);
PUTLONG(ttl, ansp); /* TTL */
PUTSHORT(addrsz, ansp);
memcpy(ansp, &crecp->addr, addrsz);
ansp += addrsz;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
if (qtype == T_MX || qtype == T_ANY)
struct mx_record *mx;
for (mx = daemon->mxnames; mx; mx = mx->next)
if (hostname_isequal(name, mx->mxname))
if (mx)
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
ansp = add_text_record(header, nameoffset, ansp, daemon->local_ttl, 1, T_MX,
mx->mxtarget ? mx->mxtarget : daemon->mxtarget, NULL);
else if ((daemon->options & (OPT_SELFMX | OPT_LOCALMX)) &&
cache_find_by_name(NULL, name, now, F_HOSTS | F_DHCP))
ans = 1;
if (!dryrun)
ansp = add_text_record(header, nameoffset, ansp, daemon->local_ttl, 1, T_MX,
(daemon->options & OPT_SELFMX) ? name : daemon->mxtarget, NULL);
if (qtype == T_MAILB)
ans = 1, nxdomain = 1;
if (!ans || ((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0; /* failed to answer a question */
if (dryrun)
dryrun = 0;
goto rerun;
/* done all questions, set up header and return length of result */
header->qr = 1; /* response */
header->aa = auth; /* authoritive - only hosts and DHCP derived names. */
header->ra = 1; /* recursion if available */
header->tc = 0; /* truncation */
if (anscount == 0 && nxdomain)
header->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
header->rcode = NOERROR; /* no error */
header->ancount = htons(anscount);
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
return ansp - (unsigned char *)header;