blob: 170168f10a166a78446cd4ca6aeb19bb47bf9b1b [file] [log] [blame]
/* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000 Simon Kelley
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "dnsmasq.h"
static int extract_name(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen, unsigned char **pp,
unsigned char *name, int isExtract)
unsigned char *cp = name, *p = *pp, *p1 = NULL;
unsigned int j, l, hops = 0;
int retvalue = 1;
while ((l = *p++))
unsigned int label_type = l & 0xc0;
if (label_type == 0xc0) /* pointer */
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
/* get offset */
l = (l&0x3f) << 8;
l |= *p++;
if (l >= (unsigned int)plen)
return 0;
if (!p1) /* first jump, save location to go back to */
p1 = p;
hops++; /* break malicious infinite loops */
if (hops > 255)
return 0;
p = l + (unsigned char *)header;
else if (label_type == 0x80)
return 0; /* reserved */
else if (label_type == 0x40)
{ /* ELT */
unsigned int count, digs;
if ((l & 0x3f) != 1)
return 0; /* we only understand bitstrings */
if (!isExtract)
return 0; /* Cannot compare bitsrings */
count = *p++;
if (count == 0)
count = 256;
digs = ((count-1)>>2)+1;
/* output is \[x<hex>/siz]. which is digs+9 chars */
if (cp - name + digs + 9 >= MAXDNAME)
return 0;
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + ((count-1)>>3) + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
*cp++ = '\\';
*cp++ = '[';
*cp++ = 'x';
for (j=0; j<digs; j++)
unsigned int dig;
if (j%2 == 0)
dig = *p >> 4;
dig = *p++ & 0x0f;
*cp++ = dig < 10 ? dig + '0' : dig + 'A' - 10;
cp += sprintf(cp, "/%d]", count);
/* do this here to overwrite the zero char from sprintf */
*cp++ = '.';
{ /* label_type = 0 -> label. */
if (cp - name + l + 1 >= MAXDNAME)
return 0;
if (p - (unsigned char *)header + 1u >= plen)
return 0;
for(j=0; j<l; j++, p++)
if (isExtract)
if (legal_char(*p))
*cp++ = *p;
return 0;
unsigned char c1 = *cp, c2 = *p;
if (c1 == 0)
retvalue = 2;
if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
c1 += 'a' - 'A';
if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z')
c2 += 'a' - 'A';
if (c1 != c2)
retvalue = 2;
if (isExtract)
*cp++ = '.';
if (*cp != 0 && *cp++ != '.')
retvalue = 2;
if ((unsigned int)(p - (unsigned char *)header) >= plen)
return 0;
if (isExtract)
*--cp = 0; /* terminate: lose final period */
if (p1) /* we jumped via compression */
*pp = p1;
*pp = p;
return retvalue;
/* Max size of input string (for IPv6) is 75 chars.) */
#define MAXARPANAME 75
static int in_arpa_name_2_addr(char *namein, struct all_addr *addrp)
int j;
char name[MAXARPANAME+1], *cp1;
unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *)addrp;
char *lastchunk = NULL, *penchunk = NULL;
if (strlen(namein) > MAXARPANAME)
return 0;
memset(addrp, 0, sizeof(struct all_addr));
/* turn name into a series of asciiz strings */
/* j counts no of labels */
for(j = 1,cp1 = name; *namein; cp1++, namein++)
if (*namein == '.')
penchunk = lastchunk;
lastchunk = cp1 + 1;
*cp1 = 0;
*cp1 = *namein;
*cp1 = 0;
if (j<3)
return 0;
if (hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "arpa") && hostname_isequal(penchunk, "in-addr"))
/* IP v4 */
/* address arives as a name of the form
some of the low order address octets might be missing
and should be set to zero. */
for (cp1 = name; cp1 != penchunk; cp1 += strlen(cp1)+1)
/* check for digits only (weeds out things like
50.0/ which are used
as CNAME targets according to RFC 2317 */
char *cp;
for (cp = cp1; *cp; cp++)
if (!isdigit((int)*cp))
return 0;
addr[3] = addr[2];
addr[2] = addr[1];
addr[1] = addr[0];
addr[0] = atoi(cp1);
return F_IPV4;
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (hostname_isequal(penchunk, "ip6") &&
(hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "int") || hostname_isequal(lastchunk, "arpa")))
/* IP v6:
Address arrives as[int|arpa]
or \[xfedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210/128].ip6.[int|arpa]
Note that most of these the various reprentations are obsolete and
left-over from the many DNS-for-IPv6 wars. We support all the formats
that we can since there is no reason not to.
if (*name == '\\' && *(name+1) == '[' &&
(*(name+2) == 'x' || *(name+2) == 'X'))
for (j = 0, cp1 = name+3; *cp1 && isxdigit(*cp1) && j < 32; cp1++, j++)
char xdig[2];
xdig[0] = *cp1;
xdig[1] = 0;
if (j%2)
addr[j/2] |= strtol(xdig, NULL, 16);
addr[j/2] = strtol(xdig, NULL, 16) << 4;
if (*cp1 == '/' && j == 32)
return F_IPV6;
for (cp1 = name; cp1 != penchunk; cp1 += strlen(cp1)+1)
if (*(cp1+1) || !isxdigit((int)*cp1))
return 0;
for (j = sizeof(struct all_addr)-1; j>0; j--)
addr[j] = (addr[j] >> 4) | (addr[j-1] << 4);
addr[0] = (addr[0] >> 4) | (strtol(cp1, NULL, 16) << 4);
return F_IPV6;
return 0;
static unsigned char *skip_questions(HEADER *header, unsigned int plen)
int q, qdcount = ntohs(header->qdcount);
unsigned char *ansp = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
for (q=0; q<qdcount; q++)
while (1)
unsigned int label_type = (*ansp) & 0xc0;
if ((unsigned int)(ansp - (unsigned char *)header) >= plen)
return NULL;
if (label_type == 0xc0)
/* pointer for compression. */
ansp += 2;
else if (label_type == 0x80)
return NULL; /* reserved */
else if (label_type == 0x40)
/* Extended label type */
unsigned int count;
if (((*ansp++) & 0x3f) != 1)
return NULL; /* we only understand bitstrings */
count = *(ansp++); /* Bits in bitstring */
if (count == 0) /* count == 0 means 256 bits */
ansp += 32;
ansp += ((count-1)>>3)+1;
{ /* label type == 0 Bottom six bits is length */
unsigned int len = (*ansp++) & 0x3f;
if (len == 0)
break; /* zero length label marks the end. */
ansp += len;
ansp += 4; /* class and type */
if ((unsigned int)(ansp - (unsigned char *)header) > plen)
return NULL;
return ansp;
/* is addr in the non-globally-routed IP space? */
static int private_net(struct all_addr *addrp)
struct in_addr addr = *(struct in_addr *)addrp;
if (inet_netof(addr) == 0xA ||
(inet_netof(addr) >= 0xAC10 && inet_netof(addr) < 0xAC20) ||
(inet_netof(addr) >> 8) == 0xC0A8)
return 1;
return 0;
static unsigned char *add_text_record(unsigned int nameoffset, unsigned char *p,
unsigned long ttl, unsigned short pref,
unsigned short type, char *name)
unsigned char *sav, *cp;
int j;
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, p);
PUTSHORT(type, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
sav = p;
PUTSHORT(0, p); /* dummy RDLENGTH */
if (pref)
PUTSHORT(pref, p);
while (*name)
cp = p++;
for (j=0; *name && (*name != '.'); name++, j++)
*p++ = *name;
*cp = j;
if (*name)
*p++ = 0;
j = p - sav - 2;
PUTSHORT(j, sav); /* Real RDLENGTH */
return p;
/* On receiving an NXDOMAIN or NODATA reply, determine which names are known
not to exist for negative caching. name if a working buffer passed in. */
void extract_neg_addrs(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen, char *name, time_t now)
unsigned char *p;
int i, found_soa = 0;
int qtype, qclass, rdlen;
unsigned long ttl, minttl = 0;
unsigned short flags = F_NEG;
if (header->rcode == NXDOMAIN)
flags |= F_NXDOMAIN;
/* there may be more than one question with some questions
answered. We don't generate negative entries from those. */
if (ntohs(header->ancount) != 0)
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return; /* bad packet */
/* we first need to find SOA records, to get min TTL, then we
add a NEG cache entry for each question. */
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->nscount); i++)
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(ttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
if ((qclass == C_IN) && (qtype == T_SOA))
int dummy;
/* MNAME */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
/* RNAME */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
GETLONG(dummy, p); /* SERIAL */
GETLONG(dummy, p); /* REFRESH */
GETLONG(dummy, p); /* RETRY */
GETLONG(dummy, p); /* EXPIRE */
if (!found_soa)
found_soa = 1;
minttl = ttl;
else if (ttl < minttl)
minttl = ttl;
GETLONG(ttl, p); /* minTTL */
if (ttl < minttl)
minttl = ttl;
p += rdlen;
if ((unsigned int)(p - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return; /* bad packet */
if (!found_soa)
return; /* failed to find SOA */
p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->qdcount); i++)
struct all_addr addr;
int is_arpa;
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
if (qclass == C_IN && qtype == T_PTR && (is_arpa = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr)))
cache_insert(name, &addr, now, minttl , is_arpa | F_REVERSE | flags);
else if (qclass == C_IN && qtype == T_A)
cache_insert(name, NULL, now, minttl, F_IPV4 | F_FORWARD | flags);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (qclass == C_IN && qtype == T_AAAA)
cache_insert(name, NULL, now, minttl, F_IPV6 | F_FORWARD | flags);
void extract_addresses(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen, char *name, time_t now)
unsigned char *p, *psave, *endrr;
int qtype, qclass, rdlen;
unsigned long ttl;
int i;
/* skip over questions */
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return; /* bad packet */
psave = p;
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->ancount); i++)
unsigned char *origname = p;
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(ttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
endrr = p + rdlen;
if ((unsigned int)(endrr - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return; /* bad packet */
if (qclass != C_IN)
p = endrr;
if (qtype == T_A) /* A record. */
cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p, now,
ttl, F_IPV4 | F_FORWARD);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (qtype == T_AAAA) /* IPV6 address record. */
cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p, now,
ttl, F_IPV6 | F_FORWARD);
else if (qtype == T_PTR)
/* PTR record */
struct all_addr addr;
int name_encoding = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr);
if (name_encoding)
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
cache_insert(name, &addr, now,
ttl, name_encoding | F_REVERSE);
else if (qtype == T_CNAME)
/* CNAME, search whole answer section again */
unsigned char *endrr1;
unsigned long cttl;
int j;
unsigned char *targp = p;
p = psave; /* rewind p */
for (j=0; j<ntohs(header->ancount); j++)
int res;
unsigned char *tmp = targp;
/* copy since it gets altered by extract_name */
/* get CNAME target each time round */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &tmp, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
/* compare this name with target of CNAME in name buffer */
if (!(res = extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 0)))
return; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(cttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
endrr1 = p+rdlen;
if ((unsigned int)(endrr1 - (unsigned char *)header) > qlen)
return; /* bad packet */
/* is this RR name same as target of CNAME */
if ((qclass != C_IN) || (res == 2))
p = endrr1;
/* match, use name of CNAME, data from this RR
use min TTL of two */
if (ttl < cttl)
cttl = ttl;
/* get orig. name back again */
tmp = origname;
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &tmp, name, 1))
if (qtype == T_A) /* A record. */
cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p, now,
cttl, F_IPV4 | F_FORWARD);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (qtype == T_AAAA) /* IPV6 address record. */
cache_insert(name, (struct all_addr *)p, now,
cttl, F_IPV6 | F_FORWARD);
else if (qtype == T_PTR)
/* PTR record extract address from CNAME name */
struct all_addr addr;
int name_encoding = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr);
if (name_encoding)
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return; /* bad packet */
cache_insert(name, &addr, now, cttl,
name_encoding | F_REVERSE);
p = endrr1;
p = endrr;
/* If the packet holds exactly one query
return 1 and leave the name from the query in name. */
unsigned short extract_request(HEADER *header,unsigned int qlen, char *name)
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
int qtype, qclass;
if (ntohs(header->qdcount) != 1 || header->opcode != QUERY)
return 0; /* must be exactly one query. */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
if (qclass == C_IN)
if (qtype == T_A)
return F_IPV4;
if (qtype == T_AAAA)
return F_IPV6;
if (qtype == T_ANY)
return F_IPV4 | F_IPV6;
return F_QUERY;
int setup_reply(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen,
struct all_addr *addrp, unsigned short flags, unsigned long ttl)
unsigned char *p = skip_questions(header, qlen);
header->qr = 1; /* response */
header->aa = 0; /* authoritive */
header->ra = 1; /* recursion if available */
header->tc = 0; /* not truncated */
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
header->ancount = htons(0); /* no answers unless changed below*/
if (flags == F_NEG)
header->rcode = SERVFAIL; /* couldn't get memory */
else if (flags == F_NOERR)
header->rcode = NOERROR; /* empty domain */
else if (flags == F_NXDOMAIN)
header->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
else if (p && flags == F_IPV4)
{ /* we know the address */
header->rcode = NOERROR;
header->ancount = htons(1);
header->aa = 1;
PUTSHORT (sizeof(HEADER) | 0xc000, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
memcpy(p, addrp, INADDRSZ);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (p && flags == F_IPV6)
header->rcode = NOERROR;
header->ancount = htons(1);
header->aa = 1;
PUTSHORT (sizeof(HEADER) | 0xc000, p);
PUTLONG(ttl, p); /* TTL */
memcpy(p, addrp, IN6ADDRSZ);
else /* nowhere to forward to */
header->rcode = REFUSED;
return p - (unsigned char *)header;
/* Is the packet a reply with the answer address equal to addr?
If so mung is into an NXDOMAIN reply and also put that information
in the cache. */
int check_for_bogus_wildcard(HEADER *header, unsigned int qlen, char *name,
struct bogus_addr *baddr, time_t now)
unsigned char *p;
int i, qtype, qclass, rdlen;
unsigned long ttl;
struct bogus_addr *baddrp;
/* skip over questions */
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
for (i=0; i<ntohs(header->ancount); i++)
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
GETLONG(ttl, p);
GETSHORT(rdlen, p);
if (qclass == C_IN && qtype == T_A)
for (baddrp = baddr; baddrp; baddrp = baddrp->next)
if (memcmp(&baddrp->addr, p, INADDRSZ) == 0)
/* Found a bogus address. Mangle the packet into an NXDOMAIN reply */
header->aa = 0;
header->ra = 1; /* recursion if available */
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
header->ancount = htons(0);
header->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
cache_insert(name, NULL, now, ttl, F_IPV4 | F_FORWARD | F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN | F_CONFIG);
return 1;
p += rdlen;
return 0;
/* return zero if we can't answer from cache, or packet size if we can */
int answer_request(HEADER *header, char *limit, unsigned int qlen, char *mxname,
char *mxtarget, unsigned int options, time_t now,
unsigned long local_ttl, char *name)
unsigned char *p, *ansp;
int qtype, qclass, is_arpa;
struct all_addr addr;
unsigned int nameoffset;
int q, qdcount = ntohs(header->qdcount);
int ans, anscount = 0;
struct crec *crecp;
int nxdomain = 0, auth = 1;
if (!qdcount || header->opcode != QUERY )
return 0;
/* determine end of question section (we put answers there) */
if (!(ansp = skip_questions(header, qlen)))
return 0; /* bad packet */
/* now process each question, answers go in RRs after the question */
p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
for (q=0; q<qdcount; q++)
/* save pointer to name for copying into answers */
nameoffset = p - (unsigned char *)header;
/* now extract name as .-concatenated string into name */
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1))
return 0; /* bad packet */
/* see if it's format */
is_arpa = in_arpa_name_2_addr(name, &addr);
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
ans = 0; /* have we answered this question */
if (qclass == C_CHAOS)
/* special query to get version. */
if (qtype == T_TXT)
int len;
if (hostname_isequal(name, "version.bind"))
sprintf(name, "dnsmasq-%s", VERSION);
else if (hostname_isequal(name, "authors.bind"))
sprintf(name, "Simon Kelley");
*name = 0;
len = strlen(name);
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, ansp);
PUTLONG(0, ansp);
PUTSHORT(len+1, ansp);
*ansp++ = len;
memcpy(ansp, name, len);
ansp += len;
ans = 1;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
return 0;
else if (qclass != C_IN)
return 0; /* we can't answer non-inet queries */
if ((options & OPT_FILTER) && (qtype == T_SOA || qtype == T_SRV))
ans = 1;
if (qtype == T_PTR || qtype == T_ANY)
crecp = NULL;
while ((crecp = cache_find_by_addr(crecp, &addr, now, is_arpa)))
unsigned long ttl;
/* Return 0 ttl for DHCP entries, which might change
before the lease expires. */
if (crecp->flags & (F_IMMORTAL | F_DHCP))
ttl = local_ttl;
ttl = crecp->ttd - now;
/* don't answer wildcard queries with data not from /etc/hosts
or dhcp leases */
if (qtype == T_ANY && !(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
return 0;
ans = 1;
if (crecp->flags & F_NEG)
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_FORWARD, name, &addr);
auth = 0;
if (crecp->flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
nxdomain = 1;
if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
auth = 0;
ansp = add_text_record(nameoffset, ansp, ttl, 0, T_PTR,
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_FORWARD, cache_get_name(crecp), &addr);
/* if last answer exceeded packet size, give up */
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
/* if not in cache, enabled and private IPV4 address, fake up answer */
if (ans == 0 && is_arpa == F_IPV4 &&
(options & OPT_BOGUSPRIV) &&
struct in_addr addr4 = *((struct in_addr *)&addr);
ansp = add_text_record(nameoffset, ansp, local_ttl, 0, T_PTR, inet_ntoa(addr4));
log_query(F_CONFIG | F_REVERSE | F_IPV4, inet_ntoa(addr4), &addr);
ans = 1;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
if (qtype == T_A || qtype == T_ANY)
/* T_ANY queries for hostnames with underscores are spam
from win2k - don't forward them. */
if ((options & OPT_FILTER) &&
qtype == T_ANY &&
(strchr(name, '_') != NULL))
ans = 1;
crecp = NULL;
while ((crecp = cache_find_by_name(crecp, name, now, F_IPV4)))
unsigned long ttl;
if (crecp->flags & (F_IMMORTAL | F_DHCP))
ttl = local_ttl;
ttl = crecp->ttd - now;
/* don't answer wildcard queries with data not from /etc/hosts
or DHCP leases */
if (qtype == T_ANY && !(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
return 0;
/* If we have negative cache entry, it's OK
to return no answer. */
ans = 1;
if (crecp->flags & F_NEG)
log_query(crecp->flags, name, NULL);
auth = 0;
if (crecp->flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
nxdomain = 1;
if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
auth = 0;
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_REVERSE, name, &crecp->addr);
/* copy question as first part of answer (use compression) */
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, ansp);
PUTSHORT(T_A, ansp);
PUTLONG(ttl, ansp); /* TTL */
memcpy(ansp, &crecp->addr, INADDRSZ);
ansp += INADDRSZ;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
if (qtype == T_AAAA || qtype == T_ANY)
/* T_ANY queries for hostnames with underscores are spam
from win2k - don't forward them. */
if ((options & OPT_FILTER) &&
qtype == T_ANY
&& (strchr(name, '_') != NULL))
ans = 1;
crecp = NULL;
while ((crecp = cache_find_by_name(crecp, name, now, F_IPV6)))
unsigned long ttl;
if (crecp->flags & (F_IMMORTAL | F_DHCP))
ttl = local_ttl;
ttl = crecp->ttd - now;
/* don't answer wildcard queries with data not from /etc/hosts
or DHCP leases */
if (qtype == T_ANY && !(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
return 0;
/* If we have negative cache entry, it's OK
to return no answer. */
ans = 1;
if (crecp->flags & F_NEG)
log_query(crecp->flags, name, NULL);
auth = 0;
if (crecp->flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
nxdomain = 1;
if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP)))
auth = 0;
log_query(crecp->flags & ~F_REVERSE, name, &crecp->addr);
/* copy question as first part of answer (use compression) */
PUTSHORT(nameoffset | 0xc000, ansp);
PUTLONG(ttl, ansp); /* TTL */
memcpy(ansp, &crecp->addr, IN6ADDRSZ);
ansp += IN6ADDRSZ;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
if (qtype == T_MX || qtype == T_ANY)
if (mxname && hostname_isequal(name, mxname))
ansp = add_text_record(nameoffset, ansp, local_ttl, 1, T_MX, mxtarget);
ans = 1;
else if ((options & (OPT_SELFMX | OPT_LOCALMX)) &&
cache_find_by_name(NULL, name, now, F_HOSTS | F_DHCP))
ansp = add_text_record(nameoffset, ansp, local_ttl, 1, T_MX,
(options & OPT_SELFMX) ? name : mxtarget);
ans = 1;
if (((unsigned char *)limit - ansp) < 0)
return 0;
if (qtype == T_MAILB)
ans = 1, nxdomain = 1;
if (!ans)
return 0; /* failed to answer a question */
/* done all questions, set up header and return length of result */
header->qr = 1; /* response */
header->aa = auth; /* authoritive - only hosts and DHCP derived names. */
header->ra = 1; /* recursion if available */
header->tc = 0; /* truncation */
if (anscount == 0 && nxdomain)
header->rcode = NXDOMAIN;
header->rcode = NOERROR; /* no error */
header->ancount = htons(anscount);
header->nscount = htons(0);
header->arcount = htons(0);
return ansp - (unsigned char *)header;