blob: 195be30fa2aca3101301f7fa8a01d611b4d62084 [file] [log] [blame]
/* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Simon Kelley
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
/* Author's email: */
#include "dnsmasq.h"
void dhcp_init(struct daemon *daemon)
int fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
int flags, oneopt = 1, zeroopt = 0;
struct dhcp_config *configs, *cp;
if (fd == -1)
die ("cannot create DHCP socket : %s", NULL);
if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1 ||
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1 ||
#if defined(IP_PKTINFO)
setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &oneopt, sizeof(oneopt)) == -1 ||
#elif defined(IP_RECVIF)
setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVIF, &oneopt, sizeof(oneopt)) == -1 ||
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &oneopt, sizeof(oneopt)) == -1)
die("failed to set options on DHCP socket: %s", NULL);
saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
saddr.sin_port = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT);
saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
saddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)))
die("failed to bind DHCP server socket: %s", NULL);
daemon->dhcpfd = fd;
if ((fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) == -1 ||
(flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1 ||
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1 ||
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &oneopt, sizeof(oneopt)) ||
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, &zeroopt, sizeof(zeroopt)) == -1)
die("cannot create ICMP raw socket: %s.", NULL);
daemon->dhcp_icmp_fd = fd;
#ifdef HAVE_BPF
int i = 0;
while (1)
char filename[50];
sprintf(filename, "/dev/bpf%d", i++);
if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR, 0)) != -1)
if (errno != EBUSY)
die("cannot create DHCP BPF socket: %s", NULL);
/* since we don't ever use the packet socket for reception,
and it receives copies of _all_ IP packets, then that data
will build up in kernel buffers, wasting memory. Set the
socket receive buffer size to one to avoid that. (zero is
rejected as non-sensical by some BSD kernels) */
if ((fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETHERTYPE_IP))) == -1 ||
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &oneopt, sizeof(oneopt)) == -1)
die("cannot create DHCP packet socket: %s. "
"Is CONFIG_PACKET enabled in your kernel?", NULL);
daemon->dhcp_raw_fd = fd;
/* If the same IP appears in more than one host config, then DISCOVER
for one of the hosts will get the address, but REQUEST will be NAKed,
since the address is reserved by the other one -> protocol loop. */
for (configs = daemon->dhcp_conf; configs; configs = configs->next)
for (cp = configs->next; cp; cp = cp->next)
if ((configs->flags & cp->flags & CONFIG_ADDR) && configs->addr.s_addr == cp->addr.s_addr)
die("duplicate IP address %s in dhcp-config directive.", inet_ntoa(cp->addr));
daemon->dhcp_packet = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct udp_dhcp_packet));
/* These two each hold a DHCP option max size 256
and get a terminating zero added */
daemon->dhcp_buff = safe_malloc(257);
daemon->dhcp_buff2 = safe_malloc(257);
void dhcp_packet(struct daemon *daemon, time_t now)
struct udp_dhcp_packet *rawpacket = daemon->dhcp_packet;
struct dhcp_packet *mess = &rawpacket->data;
struct dhcp_context *context;
struct iname *tmp;
struct ifreq ifr;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec iov[2];
struct cmsghdr *cmptr;
int sz, newlen, iface_index = 0;
struct in_addr iface_netmask, iface_addr, iface_broadcast;
#ifdef HAVE_BPF
unsigned char iface_hwaddr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
union {
struct cmsghdr align; /* this ensures alignment */
char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo))];
char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl))];
} control_u;
iov[0].iov_base = (char *)mess;
iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct dhcp_packet);
msg.msg_control = control_u.control;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control_u);
msg.msg_flags = 0;
msg.msg_name = NULL;
msg.msg_namelen = 0;
msg.msg_iov = iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
sz = recvmsg(daemon->dhcpfd, &msg, 0);
if (sz < (int)(sizeof(*mess) - sizeof(mess->options)))
#if defined (IP_PKTINFO)
if (msg.msg_controllen < sizeof(struct cmsghdr))
for (cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmptr; cmptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmptr))
if (cmptr->cmsg_level == SOL_IP && cmptr->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO)
iface_index = ((struct in_pktinfo *)CMSG_DATA(cmptr))->ipi_ifindex;
if (!(ifr.ifr_ifindex = iface_index) ||
ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr) == -1)
#elif defined(IP_RECVIF)
if (msg.msg_controllen < sizeof(struct cmsghdr))
for (cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmptr; cmptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmptr))
if (cmptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmptr->cmsg_type == IP_RECVIF)
iface_index = ((struct sockaddr_dl *)CMSG_DATA(cmptr))->sdl_index;
if (!iface_index || !if_indextoname(iface_index, ifr.ifr_name))
struct iname *name;
for (name = daemon->if_names; name->isloop; name = name->next);
strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, name->name);
#ifdef HAVE_BPF
ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_LINK;
if (ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) < 0)
memcpy(iface_hwaddr, LLADDR((struct sockaddr_dl *)&ifr.ifr_addr), ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
if (ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) < 0 )
iface_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
/* enforce available interface configuration */
for (tmp = daemon->if_except; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp->name && (strcmp(tmp->name, ifr.ifr_name) == 0))
if (daemon->if_names || daemon->if_addrs)
for (tmp = daemon->if_names; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp->name && (strcmp(tmp->name, ifr.ifr_name) == 0))
if (!tmp)
for (tmp = daemon->if_addrs; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp-> == AF_INET &&
tmp-> == iface_addr.s_addr)
if (!tmp)
iface_netmask.s_addr = 0;
iface_broadcast.s_addr = 0;
for (context = daemon->dhcp; context; context = context->next)
/* Fill in missing netmask and broadcast address values for any approriate
dhcp-ranges which match this interface and don't have them. */
if (!context->netmask.s_addr)
if (!iface_netmask.s_addr && ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &ifr) != -1)
iface_netmask = ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
if (iface_netmask.s_addr &&
(is_same_net(iface_addr, context->start, iface_netmask) ||
is_same_net(iface_addr, context->end, iface_netmask)))
context->netmask = iface_netmask;
if (!(is_same_net(iface_addr, context->start, iface_netmask) &&
is_same_net(iface_addr, context->end, iface_netmask)))
strcpy(daemon->dhcp_buff, inet_ntoa(context->start));
strcpy(daemon->dhcp_buff2, inet_ntoa(context->end));
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "DHCP range %s -- %s is not consistent with netmask %s",
daemon->dhcp_buff, daemon->dhcp_buff2, inet_ntoa(iface_netmask));
/* Determine "default" default routes. These are to this server or the relay agent.
Also broadcast addresses, if not specified */
if (context->netmask.s_addr)
if (is_same_net(iface_addr, context->start, context->netmask))
if (!context->router.s_addr)
context->router = iface_addr;
if (!context->broadcast.s_addr)
if (!iface_broadcast.s_addr && ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, &ifr) != -1)
iface_broadcast = ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
if (iface_broadcast.s_addr &&
is_same_net(iface_broadcast, context->start, context->netmask))
context->broadcast = iface_broadcast;
context->broadcast.s_addr = context->start.s_addr | ~context->netmask.s_addr;
else if (mess->giaddr.s_addr && is_same_net(mess->giaddr, context->start, context->netmask))
if (!context->router.s_addr)
context->router = mess->giaddr;
/* fill in missing broadcast addresses for relayed ranges */
if (!context->broadcast.s_addr)
context->broadcast.s_addr = context->start.s_addr | ~context->netmask.s_addr;
lease_prune(NULL, now); /* lose any expired leases */
newlen = dhcp_reply(daemon, iface_addr, ifr.ifr_name, sz, now);
lease_update_file(0, now);
if (newlen == 0)
if (mess->giaddr.s_addr || mess->ciaddr.s_addr)
/* To send to BOOTP relay or configured client, use the IP packet */
struct sockaddr_in dest;
dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
dest.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
if (mess->giaddr.s_addr)
dest.sin_port = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT);
dest.sin_addr = mess->giaddr;
dest.sin_port = htons(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT);
dest.sin_addr = mess->ciaddr;
while(sendto(daemon->dhcpfd, mess, newlen, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&dest, sizeof(dest)) == -1 &&
/* Hairy stuff, packet either has to go to the
net broadcast or the destination can't reply to ARP yet,
but we do know the physical address.
Build the packet by steam, and send directly, bypassing
the kernel IP stack */
u32 i, sum;
unsigned char hwdest[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
if (ntohs(mess->flags) & 0x8000)
memset(hwdest, 255, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
rawpacket->ip.ip_dst.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
memcpy(hwdest, mess->chaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
rawpacket->ip.ip_dst.s_addr = mess->yiaddr.s_addr;
rawpacket->ip.ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
rawpacket->ip.ip_src.s_addr = iface_addr.s_addr;
rawpacket->ip.ip_len = htons(sizeof(struct ip) +
sizeof(struct udphdr) +
newlen) ;
rawpacket->ip.ip_hl = sizeof(struct ip) / 4;
rawpacket->ip.ip_v = IPVERSION;
rawpacket->ip.ip_tos = 0;
rawpacket->ip.ip_id = htons(0);
rawpacket->ip.ip_off = htons(0x4000); /* don't fragment */
rawpacket->ip.ip_ttl = IPDEFTTL;
rawpacket->ip.ip_sum = 0;
for (sum = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof(struct ip) / 2; i++)
sum += ((u16 *)&rawpacket->ip)[i];
while (sum>>16)
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
rawpacket->ip.ip_sum = (sum == 0xffff) ? sum : ~sum;
rawpacket->udp.uh_sport = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT);
rawpacket->udp.uh_dport = htons(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT);
((u8 *)&rawpacket->data)[newlen] = 0; /* for checksum, in case length is odd. */
rawpacket->udp.uh_sum = 0;
rawpacket->udp.uh_ulen = sum = htons(sizeof(struct udphdr) + newlen);
sum += htons(IPPROTO_UDP);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sum += ((u16 *)&rawpacket->ip.ip_src)[i];
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(struct udphdr) + newlen + 1) / 2; i++)
sum += ((u16 *)&rawpacket->udp)[i];
while (sum>>16)
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
rawpacket->udp.uh_sum = (sum == 0xffff) ? sum : ~sum;
#ifdef HAVE_BPF
struct ether_header header;
header.ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
memcpy(header.ether_shost, iface_hwaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
memcpy(header.ether_dhost, hwdest, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
ioctl(daemon->dhcp_raw_fd, BIOCSETIF, &ifr);
iov[0].iov_base = (char *)&header;
iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct ether_header);
iov[1].iov_base = (char *)rawpacket;
iov[1].iov_len = ntohs(rawpacket->ip.ip_len);
while (writev(daemon->dhcp_raw_fd, iov, 2) == -1 && retry_send());
struct sockaddr_ll dest;
dest.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
dest.sll_halen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
dest.sll_ifindex = iface_index;
dest.sll_protocol = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
memcpy(dest.sll_addr, hwdest, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
while (sendto(daemon->dhcp_raw_fd, rawpacket, ntohs(rawpacket->ip.ip_len),
0, (struct sockaddr *)&dest, sizeof(dest)) == -1 &&
struct dhcp_context *address_available(struct dhcp_context *context, struct in_addr taddr)
/* Check is an address is OK for this network, check all
possible ranges. */
unsigned int start, end, addr = ntohl(taddr.s_addr);
for (; context; context = context->current)
start = ntohl(context->start.s_addr);
end = ntohl(context->end.s_addr);
if (!context->static_only &&
addr >= start &&
addr <= end)
return context;
return NULL;
struct dhcp_context *narrow_context(struct dhcp_context *context, struct in_addr taddr)
/* We start of with a set of possible contexts, all on the current subnet.
These are chained on ->current.
Here we have an address, and return the actual context correponding to that
address. Note that none may fit, if the address came a dhcp-host and is outside
any dhcp-range. In that case we return a static range is possible, or failing that,
any context on the subnet. (If there's more than one, this is a dodgy configuration:
maybe there should be a warning.) */
struct dhcp_context *tmp = address_available(context, taddr);
if (tmp)
return tmp;
for (tmp = context; tmp; tmp = tmp->current)
if (tmp->static_only)
return tmp;
return context;
struct dhcp_config *config_find_by_address(struct dhcp_config *configs, struct in_addr addr)
struct dhcp_config *config;
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_ADDR) && config->addr.s_addr == addr.s_addr)
return config;
return NULL;
int address_allocate(struct dhcp_context *context, struct daemon *daemon,
struct in_addr *addrp, unsigned char *hwaddr)
/* Find a free address: exclude anything in use and anything allocated to
a particular hwaddr/clientid/hostname in our configuration */
struct in_addr start, addr ;
unsigned int i, j;
for (; context; context = context->current)
if (!context->static_only)
/* pick a seed based on hwaddr then iterate until we find a free address. */
for (j = context->addr_epoch, i = 0; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN; i++)
j += hwaddr[i] + (hwaddr[i] << 8) + (hwaddr[i] << 16);
start.s_addr = addr.s_addr =
htonl(ntohl(context->start.s_addr) +
(j % (1 + ntohl(context->end.s_addr) - ntohl(context->start.s_addr))));
do {
if (!lease_find_by_addr(addr) &&
!config_find_by_address(daemon->dhcp_conf, addr))
if (icmp_ping(daemon, addr))
/* perturb address selection so that we are
less likely to try this address again. */
*addrp = addr;
return 1;
addr.s_addr = htonl(ntohl(addr.s_addr) + 1);
if (addr.s_addr == htonl(ntohl(context->end.s_addr) + 1))
addr = context->start;
} while (addr.s_addr != start.s_addr);
return 0;
static int is_addr_in_context(struct dhcp_context *context, struct dhcp_config *config)
if (!context)
return 1;
if (!(config->flags & CONFIG_ADDR))
return 1;
if (is_same_net(config->addr, context->start, context->netmask))
return 1;
return 0;
struct dhcp_config *find_config(struct dhcp_config *configs,
struct dhcp_context *context,
unsigned char *clid, int clid_len,
unsigned char *hwaddr, char *hostname)
struct dhcp_config *config;
if (clid_len)
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if (config->flags & CONFIG_CLID)
if (config->clid_len == clid_len &&
memcmp(config->clid, clid, clid_len) == 0 &&
is_addr_in_context(context, config))
return config;
/* dhcpcd prefixes ASCII client IDs by zero which is wrong, but we try and
cope with that here */
if (*clid == 0 && config->clid_len == clid_len-1 &&
memcmp(config->clid, clid+1, clid_len-1) == 0 &&
is_addr_in_context(context, config))
return config;
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_HWADDR) &&
memcmp(config->hwaddr, hwaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0 &&
is_addr_in_context(context, config))
return config;
if (hostname)
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_NAME) &&
hostname_isequal(config->hostname, hostname) &&
is_addr_in_context(context, config))
return config;
return NULL;
void dhcp_read_ethers(struct daemon *daemon)
FILE *f = fopen(ETHERSFILE, "r");
unsigned int flags, e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5;
char *buff = daemon->namebuff;
char *ip, *cp;
struct in_addr addr;
unsigned char hwaddr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
struct dhcp_config *config, *configs = daemon->dhcp_conf;
int count = 0;
if (!f)
syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to read " ETHERSFILE ":%m");
while (fgets(buff, MAXDNAME, f))
while (strlen(buff) > 0 && isspace(buff[strlen(buff)-1]))
buff[strlen(buff)-1] = 0;
if ((*buff == '#') || (*buff == '+'))
for (ip = buff; *ip && !isspace(*ip); ip++);
for(; *ip && isspace(*ip); ip++)
*ip = 0;
if (!*ip)
if (!sscanf(buff, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", &e0, &e1, &e2, &e3, &e4, &e5))
hwaddr[0] = e0;
hwaddr[1] = e1;
hwaddr[2] = e2;
hwaddr[3] = e3;
hwaddr[4] = e4;
hwaddr[5] = e5;
/* check for name or dotted-quad */
for (cp = ip; *cp; cp++)
if (!(*cp == '.' || (*cp >='0' && *cp <= '9')))
if (!*cp)
if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip)) == (in_addr_t)-1)
flags = CONFIG_ADDR;
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_ADDR) && config->addr.s_addr == addr.s_addr)
if (!canonicalise(ip))
flags = CONFIG_NAME;
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_NAME) && hostname_isequal(config->hostname, ip))
if (!config)
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if ((config->flags & CONFIG_HWADDR) &&
memcmp(config->hwaddr, hwaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
if (!config)
if (!(config = malloc(sizeof(struct dhcp_config))))
config->flags = 0;
config->next = configs;
configs = config;
config->flags |= flags;
if (flags & CONFIG_NAME)
if ((config->hostname = malloc(strlen(ip)+1)))
strcpy(config->hostname, ip);
config->flags &= ~CONFIG_NAME;
if (flags & CONFIG_ADDR)
config->addr = addr;
memcpy(config->hwaddr, hwaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "read " ETHERSFILE " - %d addresses", count);
daemon->dhcp_conf = configs;
void dhcp_update_configs(struct dhcp_config *configs)
/* Some people like to keep all static IP addresses in /etc/hosts.
This goes through /etc/hosts and sets static addresses for any DHCP config
records which don't have an address and whose name matches. */
struct dhcp_config *config;
struct crec *crec;
for (config = configs; config; config = config->next)
if (!(config->flags & CONFIG_ADDR) &&
(config->flags & CONFIG_NAME) &&
(crec = cache_find_by_name(NULL, config->hostname, 0, F_IPV4)) &&
(crec->flags & F_HOSTS))
config->addr = crec->addr.addr.addr.addr4;
config->flags |= CONFIG_ADDR;
/* If we've not found a hostname any other way, try and see if there's one in /etc/hosts
for this address. If it has a domain part, that must match the set domain and
it gets stripped. */
char *host_from_dns(struct daemon *daemon, struct in_addr addr)
struct crec *lookup = cache_find_by_addr(NULL, (struct all_addr *)&addr, 0, F_IPV4);
char *hostname = NULL;
if (lookup && (lookup->flags & F_HOSTS))
hostname = daemon->dhcp_buff;
hostname[256] = 0;
strncpy(hostname, cache_get_name(lookup), 256);
hostname = strip_hostname(daemon, hostname);
return hostname;
char *strip_hostname(struct daemon *daemon, char *hostname)
char *dot = strchr(hostname, '.');
if (dot)
if (!daemon->domain_suffix || !hostname_isequal(dot+1, daemon->domain_suffix))
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring DHCP host name %s because it has an illegal domain part", hostname);
hostname = NULL;
*dot = 0; /* truncate */
if (strlen(hostname) == 0)
hostname = NULL; /* nothing left */
return hostname;