blob: da48411c797d458cd94b4268b1bd830a6be822c9 [file] [log] [blame]
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset77 Monaco;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 1. If you've used DNSenabler, or if you're using Mac OS X Server, or if you have in any other way activated Mac OS X's built-in DHCP and/or DNS servers, disable them. This would usually involve checking that they are either set to -NO- or absent altogether in
\f1 /etc/hostconfig
\f0 . If you've never done anything to do with DNS or DHCP servers on a client version of MacOS X, you won't need to worry about this; it will already be configured for you.\
2. Add a configuration item to
\f1 /etc/hostconfig
\f0 as follows:\
\f0 \
3. Create a system-wide StartupItems directory for dnsmasq:\
\f1 sudo mkdir -p /Library/StartupItems/DNSmasq\
\f0 \
4. Copy the files
\f1 DNSmasq
\f0 and
\f1 StartupParameters.plist
\f0 into this directory, and make sure the former is executable:\
\f1 sudo cp DNSmasq StartupParameters.plist /Library/StartupItems/DNSmasq\
sudo chmod 755 /Library/StartupItems/DNSmasq/DNSmasq\
\f0 \
5. Start the service:\
\f1 sudo /Library/StartupItems/DNSmasq/DNSmasq start\
\f0 \cf0 \
That should be all...}